Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Temporary Calm...For Now

It's past noon BBT, and barely half the hamsters are awake. As usual, Casey and Jeff were up by 9am, this morning discussing last night's backyard conversations. Everyone, minus Ronnie of course, agreed that he was the next target regardless of who wins power on Thursday. Chima and Michele agreed to throw the HoH competition to ensure Ronnie is eligible for nomination, their safety being guaranteed in return. The Gun Show seemed to still want Ronnie around, and Jeff finds this highly suspect. Of course he wants to keep Ronnie, that's one more target to keep the attention off of him.

As a side note, I've contented myself with watching the beauty that is Jeff making eggs, watering the plants, working out, and brushing his teeth 3 times. Oh, now he's slathering on sunscreen and laying in the pool. I've always loved Chicago.


Reefer Jello said...

I have a question that one of you BB fanatics might be able to answer.

CBS claims that these people don't know each other when they come into the house.

If that is then did Lydia get Chima's face tattooed on her left arm?

Irishcurse said...

Jeff, Casey or Jordan has to win HOH. The Rat has to go. UGH!!!!!!

IndyMike said...

FYI - 3:52pm or so - Russel went up to the HoH room and talked to Ronnie. Wants to win HoH and put out Casey. Tells Ronnie everyone is against him in the house now.

Anonymous said...

Getting off on someone brushing their teeth is so so sad. You need a life in the worst way. Trying to act like the male bloggers is also disgusting or is that jealousy because they always show and talk about the girls.

makes you wonder

Unknown said...

reefer jello, i dont think they know each other but they do meet a few of the other contestants during the final interview process out in LA.

ale said...

No one said anything about getting off. Don't be so serious about stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

yada, yada yada ALE, get a life