Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Know Why Jesse Doesn't Seem So Annoying


Even as Jesse continues to talk down to Jordan and Lydia, it's Natalie's non-stop babbling that drives me nuts. Come back Michelle, all is forgiven!!!


Tony said...

i do love jordan's trashing of him right now

IndyMike said...

You are prolly right - Natalie has Jesse right where she needs him - it will be interesting to see what happens when she isn't so safe. The athletes are convinces they can either win the HoH or POV as long as then need to.

Loving Big Brother said...

the same thing will happen like it does with everybody who is on the other side of the power... they either go begging to be saved or take the "im not going to beg and get booted route" my guess is she will beg for sure just like jesse did all last season


Loving Big Brother said...

By the way Jordan is too country to survive in this house.... she will be one of these houseguest thats too damm scared to mingle with the other houseguest and get booted for sure.... almost reminds me of the gurl from last season who always wore the hats, hung with 1 or 2 people and got booted in week 3 with the same type of attitude.... You will not make it being a loner in the bb house

@LJBigBrother11 said...

Natalie is truly Michelle version 2.0.