Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Reason For So Few Posts

In case you're wondering why we've had so few posts the last few days, just watch these clips. If you watch on repeat for 48 hours, then you have what we've been enduring.

Part One: Sharon tells Ryan not to trust Adam.

Part Two: Sheila telling Adam what a great person she is, and how hard this game is on her and only her.

Part Three: They boys compare stories.

Part Four: Sheila lectures Sharon on the greatness of Sheila.


Hart Dad said...

I keep seeing the idea, apparently from Ryan, that they ought to vote out Sheila instead of Sharon.

NOOOOO!!! As I've posted before, Sharon is golden if she gets to the top two. These two guys would be crazy to take that chance. On the other hand, I think either beat Sheila fairly handily if she gets to the top two.