Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Rare Quiet Moment From Sheila

Poor Adam - Sheila just yelled at him again. Well, she hasn't stopped yelling at him all day. Did you know that she has protected him this entire game?

Yes, it has also been confirmed that tomorrow is eviction day. Ryan is filling out his HOH blog and taking pictures, and they are also apparently taping goodbye messages.


Lil said...

Sheila: blah blah I'm a stupid bitch blah blah I'm not going to kiss your ass. Nothing to say Adam? Why won't you talk now Adam? Blah blah oh did I mention I'm pms'ing and spotting?

Adam FTW: You haven't talked to me all day, why would I talk to you now?

IndyMike said...

I don't think tomorrow is eviction day.

There is no show on the CBS schedule - do you think they are going to tape Tuesday's show?

That would SUCK.