Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Preview of Tonight's Jury Discussion

Here is a snippit of the five jury members talking about who should win in general terms.


Unknown said...

omg! i love Jeffs comment to Lydia get in your spaceship...lol

DaveA said...

Thank god this is almost over.....After jeff left the show has stunk.....Nat is the worst.....I think Kevin will win and I hope Jordan gets the second place cash....

Thanks Ikers for another season of Gossip and inside info. You da Man!

Scott said...

What about me? lol

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Jeff! No matter how bad I feel the dude makes me laugh! I wish Lydia would jet off on a spaceship, as well! She makes all of us who are Pisceans look bad!

IndyMike said...

Yes - thank SCOTT for goodness sakes! I spend most of my time updating ilovereality.com - Scott does the majority of the work over here!


gomillion and one... said...

OMG I love Jeff....I'm so glad he actually speaks him mind and says all the things everyone else is thinking.

Stacey said...

Jeff is FABULOUS! Nothing phases him and his comebacks are fantastic!