Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Big Brother Season 10, Episode 7 Recap

Here we are a few minutes before this week’s veto competition edition of Big Brother, and I’m sort of excited as to what we’re going to see tonight. I really shouldn’t be, as I watched more live feeds this past weekend than I ever have before.
Yet, an episode that should really be an afterthought, filled with nothing but cheesy segments and a selective editing glimmer of false hope, could be one of the most entertaining shows of the season…if it’s correctly edited. I can’t wait to see how CBS handles this.
You know the drill as the episode begins. After the recap, which surprised me by focusing on Memphis and Jerry’s fight, we dive right into the aftermath of Keesha’s nominations of Jessie and our girl Angie. My girl says it was not unexpected, but adds that it’s “not over yet”. Jessie babbles on about respect, as usual. “I’ve given you nothing but respect. That’s disrespectful as far as I’m concerned. Seriously. If I make it through this week, there will be some unhappy campers.” Hahahaha!
Memphis adds that he feels the nominations were a mistake because “Jessie and Angie did not have it out for Keesha at all. If anything, why are you going to make two extra enemies?” Keesha explains again that she holds Jessie responsible for Steven’s eviction last week.
The rest of the hens help Keesha put away the wheel of keys. Well, April helps while Libra looks on. Keesha asks, “I gave good reasons, right?” You know the answers she received. “I mean, they were factual reasons.”
Jessie is wandering the house, and when he runs into Michelle he tells her that he’s “bugging out, man”. Michelle is just as pissed as he is. “I told you not to trust her.” Jessie tells her that he didn’t tell her any of his awesome knowledge, and that the cause for his nomination is the rest of the hens. “Libra is orchestrating everything.” Really? You are smawwwwt. Jessie promises to win veto and the next HOH, but that Michelle shouldn’t be surprised if she is the replacement candidate.
Meanwhile, Keesha continues to gloat in the HOH with the rest of the hens. “Michelle, she thought she was up. She was freaking out. Did you see the look on her face when she was the last key?” April tells her that “Steven is going to be really proud of you”. Um, I don’t think so. They continue to bash Jessie, and Ollie throws out a one-liner about Angie, which leads Keesha to say, “Angie needs to leave”.
Jerry is now hanging out with Dan, looking on as Memphis, Angie, and Michelle soak up some rays. He thinks if he wins a couple of HOH’s he could really “disrupt this place”. While admitting that Memphis is one of the better players in the house, it bothers him that “he does think he’s cool. (He’s) got a little bit of a big head.” He’s “just” a bartender, and Jerry feels that at his age he should “really be along in his career”. Out comes the word that will later start a big fight – “womanizer”.
Jessie now heads up to the HOH to whine to Keesha. (So far, I’m surprised at the editing. They’re really not showing the full extent of Jessie’s insane behavior.) When asked if he now hates her, Jessie tells Keesha that “there’s no hard feeling right here. None.” Keesha complains again about the Steven situation, and Jessie claims that he was told by Libra to take him out. “Libra is working everybody.”
At the same time, Libra and April realize that Jessie is upstairs with Jessie, and head up there to save her. Jessie is continuing on with the story about the summit that led to Steven’s nomination. “I wanted to put up Dan and Renny.”
The hens ring the bell, and Jessie tells them she wanted them to come back in a few minutes. While watching the two on the spycam, Jessie says that Libra is scared. Keesha asks if Libra specifically asked for Steven’s nomination. When this is confirmed, Jessie adds that she can fix this by replacing either him or Angie with Libra. But Keesha gave Libra her word, and we all know that means everything to her. Again, I’m surprised at the positive edit they’re giving Jessie during this conversation.
Jessie finally leaves, and the hens come in. Libra says she’s concerned because she heard yelling, but Keesha says “he was really cool about it, actually”. At the same time, Jessie thinks he won her over, and celebrates with Michelle. Don’t jump for joy yet, tool boy.
It’s now veto time, and Jessie is confident he’s going to win. “You can put up three people versus me, and there’s nobody that I fell threatened by physically or mentally with”. Yes, he added the unnecessary with.
Keesha’s random draw leads to Libra’s selection, while Angie gets Ollie and Jessie nabs Memphis. Dan is the host. For the contest, everybody is in flower costumes, which aren’t especially flattering for certain people. Jessie promised to fight with “everything from toe to head of me. I’ve already won three times.”
The contest consists of everybody burying themselves in a bed of dirt that will have water flowing over them. The person who wins is the one who emerges closest to one hour without going over. Yeah, great contest.
After Memphis again explains the rules, the game starts. It’s really a thriller, and it’s even more exciting to listen to them babble their strategy. They attempt to add some excitement by pouring worms into their dirt coffin, but it’s still a snoozer. Jessie babbles about the Steven meeting, so that adds a little entertainment. Very little, though. Keesha jumps out first, followed by Libra and Jessie. Libra starts right in on Jessie, denying that she was the leader of that conversation. Meanwhile, Angie, who thinks she has a shot at winning, is the next out, followed by Ollie and Memphis.
Unfortunately, they all over-estimated their time in the dirt. Keesha wins with her time of 21 minutes, while everybody else went over by at least fifteen minutes. Angie is clearly bummed. “I was so shocked when I found out that I stayed in the nastiness longer than I needed to.” Of course, Keesha is feeling pretty confident, as does Jessie. “It’s all about survival of the fittest.” Ugh.
After commercials, it’s the aftermath of the veto competition. Michelle informs Jessie that it’s time to “get crazy”. Jessie tells Angie to go up and beg Keesha to take him down and put up Libra. Wow, that’s awful nice of you, tool. Angie does agree that it’s a good plan, since it wouldn’t make sense for Keesha to use it to save her target. Angie tells her that there were never any personal issues against Keesha, and that will be the case even if she survives the week. “Because you were friends with Steven, I feel like I have a little bit more of a connection to you than I do with many other people in this house.” She follows through with the plan, saying that “if Jessie goes, I don’t know if I can live another week with Libra”.
Keesha asks the wrong person for advice – April. As usual, April agrees with everything Keesha says, including the future of Libra in the house. She claims that she can’t trust her, and that she’s told Ollie that. Amazingly, Ollie rings the bell right at that point, and of course, he agrees with everything. “At any moment of any day, you can count on her whispering about somebody in the game.” When Keesha says she’ll be gone the moment she’s up on the block, Ollie says “so what?”
We move ahead to that evening, and poor Keesha is confused. “My mind is spinning right now. I think I may have to cut Libra loose.” She again babbles about how it’s so hard to do because she gave her “my word”. We even get a flashback of that moment from day four. Ugh.
Wow, just as it looks like Keesha may do the right thing, Jessie has to come along and spoil it by asking if he can talk to her. After a little chitchat, Jessie tells her that he wants her to use it on him. Keesha says he really doesn’t have anything to worry about, and he blows up. (Actually, this is how he acted all weekend, but they’ve neglected to show us that tonight.)
Oh god, we do get to see his “I’m in jail” speech, though. This is priceless. The poor tool hasn’t eaten or slept in 24 hours! You stupid tool – you may have been taken off the block if you hadn’t gone into this tirade.
Uh oh, here’s the promo where they announce that we can vote for America’s Player. What a stupid idea. Can I add that I also really hate the Housecalls promo?
Jessie is still fuming that Keesha won’t listen to him, and he whines some more in the diary room. He again heads up to the HOH. Keesha is clearly annoyed at how often he’s now visiting. This time April, Dan, and Renny get to hear his jail speech. The “word” spiel is all Keesha has in return. Once Jessie starts in on the “respect” angle, Keesha says it’s time to go outside.
Instead of heading outside, though, Keesha wakes up Libra and spills the beans about Jessie. Jerry is also in the room, and Renny and April join them as Libra again talks her way out of another mess. Keesha finally decides to walk announce to everybody that she gave her word to Libra, and won’t go back on it. Most people don’t respond, but of course Jessie does. He wants to go at it with Libra about the situation, but she walks away.
Jessie is now outside with Michelle, Memphis, and Angie, and they spot a banner. Angie explains when that happens, they are immediately locked down in the house because they’re not supposed to see it. Nobody really does see it, but Jessie tells them to act like they did see what it said (the hens were all upstairs). Memphis does think it said something about Libra, and they decide to tell everybody it said “Libra is a liar – love Steven”. Michelle informs the hens as the rest stand outside, and Memphis confirms it (although adding there was another name that he couldn’t see). “Well, I’m not a liar”, is Libra’s response.
Libra takes the opportunity to ask Memphis why everybody in the house is after her. He tells her that he doesn’t have the answers. “I’d like to ask that question to everybody who wanted to vote me out two days into it…but it’s not worth it.” Ollie shifts a bit uncomfortably in his chair.
Memphis adds that he would never come up to anybody unless “I knew for a fact that I wanted them gone”. The only person he’s said that about was Jerry. “I know that”, replies the old man. “You were disrespectful to me the other night.”
“That’s because you called me a womanizer, dude.”
“Well, that’s what you are.” Oh boy. The argument is on. Ollie holds Memphis back as he starts screaming at Jerry. “Are you out of your mind, old man? You’re grabbing some girl’s tits and you’re married, and you call me a fucking womanizer?” This goes on for a bit more before Memphis threatens him if he ever comes after him like that again.
Finally, we get the veto ceremony. Keesha babbles as she goes through the scripted portion of the ceremony that she has her mind made up, but Angie still has hope she’ll take Jessie down and put up Libra. Jessie says “if Keesha was in the right mindset, she’d take me off the block, put Libra up, and watch Libra walk out the door”. You really are a tool.
Keesha brings in the rest of the house, and beautiful Angie’s speech is first. She talks about how she’s made some mistakes in the house, but that her “actions are very true to my character outside of the house”.
Jessie gets up and babbles about how he had everybody’s word that he wouldn’t be put up this week, and that he “justified my actions…you can right a wrong here as far as I’m concerned”.
I’m sure you know what happens here. Keesha didn’t use the veto, saying it was “hard enough to put two people up, and I don’t think I could put a third person up at this time”. She thinks she did what she set out to do, and was able to keep her word and not have to make any apologies. Libra’s also pretty proud of herself. “I shucked and I jived.” Angie is hoping to somehow make “Jessie blow up in the next couple of days”, while Jessie babbles how it’s “very apparent that people inside the house are liars”. He promises that not voting him out of the house would be “the biggest mistake ever”.
Ok, now that this hour is over, I have a couple of questions. Why was Jessie’s meltdown severely toned down? Did Keesha really give any serious thought to taking him off the block? Why not show us exactly what the banner said? Why wasn’t the lie about Angie being in the Steven discussion given some airtime? Hell, why wasn’t Angie given more airtime period? Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter since it’s pretty clear who is leaving on Thursday.


Christine said...

my thought on not showing the banner was that it was indeed a BB related Banner(but not necessarily saying what Micheke et all said it said) and CBS doesn't want to give it airtime and thus encourage others to try and send banners up

another kick ass recap Scott, nice to know if I ever miss an episode I know exactly where to come for the recap...heck, I still enjoy them even when I've seen the show.

Thanks :)

Jen said...

Was it just me or did the way Dan announced who POV annoying? Why didn't they show each players times? It totally feels like it was rigged! Just my feelings!! We all know CBS plays a big part of the game!

Christine said...

I thought it was weird but with everyone else going over I guess it would of been a dead giveaway that keesha won if they did it by announcing times....I thought it was a pretty lame competition becasue of the 1 hour thing....

unless of course Angie had won, then I woulda LOVED it...lol

Scott said...

Is Renny's real name Lorenza? Somebody on Joker's Update blew up the shot of the banner and it supposedly said "Happy Birthday Lorenza, we <3 you!"

Anonymous said...

I was really disappointed in the POV competition. I already knew Keesha won, but I actually thought she might have earned it.

It would have been a decent competition if it wouldn't have had a time restriction. It should have been a straightforward - whoever wants it/needs it most wins.

I'm actually a little surprised that CBS listened to BB fans after last season and made a few changes accordingly, but so far those changes have been disappointing. I could do without the live audience (that's what makes the finale seem so much more exciting).

I wish they would leave the most important things - like voting people out - in our hands. I feel like we could do a much better job, plus it would add another dimension to the game, because people would be more mindful of America's opinion as well as their other HGs.

These landslide votes are just plain predictable and boring.

Christine said...

It's possible. She was talking about it briefly in the kitchen a while(days/week) ago and I know it was an odd name and she prefers Renny, it could very well be Loreneza..

Anonymous said...

I think I read on Hamsterwatch that Lorenza is her full name.

Scott said...

I don't trust America's voting skills. As for the veto, I don't like how they had them do it together. Make it closest to half hour, either side, with nobody but the host watching. Keesha certainly didn't deserve to win, and the others basically stopped once Libra got up.

ale said...

I love the part where Jessie storms into the HoH room, voice shaking, flipping out. Psycho. I know it's nowhere near what really happened, but even that part is awesome.

I also don't trust America's voting skills, but it's only for a week. Unless they do this once a week, with a different person, I'm not bothered.

ps. The banner clearly said We <3...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining that to jen christine. How in the hell did she come up with the contest being rigged when it specifically told them that if they went over a hour, they would be disquailfied, i dont know. Keeshia won because she didnt think it was worth it and the knuckleheads didnt know how to keep time .. plain and simple.... rigged my foot

Anonymous said...

from one anonymous to another one.. why in the hell would they leave it up to us on who to vote out of the house... we see everything, it wouldnt make sense for them to play the game and people who really know whats going on because we see everything get to do the voting... BB already controlls to much of the game as it is now... like the americas player that they are getting ready to put back in.. That always pushes it towards the fans favorite or who the fans want to keep in the game to keep it interesting(aka evil dick)... which in most cases, hurts someone that is really playing the game good... are you understanding what im saying anon... let that soak in for a minute " evil dick would have been gone if it wasnt for the fans and eric probably would have won bb8" I personally like to keep the josh's and evil dick's in the game because keeping the angies in the games serves no purpose at all... They are boring and have no personalities at all Pawns will be Pawns

Reefer Jello said...

To you Angie haters I just want to say....Angie is the only woman in the house that guys want to watch. Like her or not, she is a god looking girl. Once she is gone there won't be anything left in the house for guys to watch other than gay guys. A lot of the gays probably dig Jessie. All I know is that I now fast forward my DVR to look for Angie scenes and they are few and far between. I hope BB 11 has a better cast.