Saturday, July 26, 2008

Libra's Humble

Libra just told Renny, "they're all scared of me because I'm so smart". Hahahahaha!

They are all currently in lockdown because of a banner. Libra was told that it said, "Keesha, Libra is a liar! Love, Steven".

Edit: OMG, what a waste of a banner. Angie swears to Dan that this is exactly what was on the banner. Too bad the people that need to see it didn't.

Currently, Jessie is now taking his case to Libra. I can't bear to take it off mute.


Jen said...

Love it!! Man, I am seriously thinking I am going to get the feeds!! It's crazy in there house today!!

ale said...

I'm sure Keesha is completely oblivious to Libra's lies. EYEROLL.

Manchelle is talking about being, what?

Scott said...

Ale, will you take over for the recap of Libra versus Jessie? I can't bear it.

ale said...

ahahaha sure thing. I'll take one for the team

Scott said...

The sad thing is none of this can be shown until the last half of Tuesday's episode. Sunday's will be boring - Keesha winning HOH, the unveiling of her room, Jessie/Michelle acting cocky, Angie knowing she's going up, and Memphis making his deal before finally the nominations.

So two full days of Jessie going berserk, along with Angie's conversations with Keesha, will be no more than 20 minutes of airtime.

Sydney said...

Those banners cost $500 give or take.... does Steven have that money to burn or does, CBS maybe?