Sunday, July 13, 2008

Which Showtime Promos Are Destined to Drive You Crazy?

I enjoy most of the Showtime original programming, but I get sick of the promos we must endure every twenty minutes every single night. At least the Weeds and Call Girl commercials are just upcoming episode previews (and I think the star is gorgeous), but even those are already tedious. What commercials do you hate?


Christine said...

I hated the Californication ads with David Duchovny from BB8. Missed the first round of ads this time around as I had to run and refill my beverage.....

IndyMike said...

So is the audio working on Showtime? This crappy audio is ticking me off - we can't hear ANY conversation!!!!

Jen said...

I can't remember one in particular since BBAD just started but I hate it because you have to turn up the volume to hear what they are saying and then when it goes to "commercial" your TV is blaring!! I don't know how many times I've jumped!! So annoying!!

Jen said...

Yes, it's working on BBAD!

ale said...

It's annoying that kitchen talk is carrying over into the backyard feed, but then there is no sound in the kitchen. Grrr.