Friday, August 22, 2008

More Madness From Michelle

I had trouble sleeping last night, so I turned on the feeds for a few minutes. Michelle was in full conspiracy mode, and now she has Ollie (who will believe anything) all to herself. Here's some of her wacky theories:

1. Dan is not America's Player; he's a plant.
2. BB wanted Dan to win last week's veto. Since he's a biology teacher, he had an advantage in that haunted house competition. (Wait, I thought the theory was that he wasn't actually a teacher.)
3. BB wanted him to win HOH, so they told him which spot to take to minimize the impact into the wall.
4. BB gave April her clothes last week because it was already determined this was her week to go.
5. Dan got more in his HOH fridge than she did.
6. Monica is coming into the game. (Actually, that was Ollie's theory, but Michelle ate it up.)

All of this came about because of Dan's pictures of Monica in the HOH room. Ollie claims to recognize her from the hallway at CBS, or one of their pre-show meetings.


Christine said...

well it's gonna be an interesting week, thats for sure...i really hope Memphis makes it thru the week...

(but I guess that kinda goes without saying)

sorry to hear you had trouble sleeping Scott, at least it's friday, once you make it thru today you have a nice long weekend to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Michelle is from Rhode Island. People from Little Rhody eat a lot of quahogs and Johnny Cakes. That makes them sorta crazy. It isn't a bad or evil crazy. Just a kind of craziness that is only known to Rhode Ilanders. When they go to bed at night, they knell down and say..."i'm Rhode Island born and Rhode Island bred....and when I die....I'll be Rhode Island dead."

Anonymous said...

Dan is to smart to be dealing the cards all Ollie's way this week. I can only hope he is setting him up big time....couldn't happen to a better sucker. GO DAN!!!!!

Scott said...

If only they thought about these theories. Let's say Dan is a plant. don't you think he'd either not win HOH, or at the very least not have Monica's pictures be put up?

Anonymous said...

i disagree, dan is not smart for dealing with ollies cards this week. dan will have pissed off his entire alliance...possibly even keesha who should be safe. ..for all his dealings and next week, fast forward next week he will go up and possibly out. his only hope in staying is to have made a deal with ollie with intentions of breaking it. that will impress his alliance with memphis. keesha will float with whatever but dan may have shot himself in the head if he follows suit. i would rather go back on my word to ollie than end up looking like a trader to meither way. not good for jury votes.
dan seemed to have something up his sleeve when got alone in the hoh by saying..."that was all lovey dovey but GAME ON." so we will see. im not happy with dan right now and i have a feeling this week is gonna suck for me as memphis may be put up by his own buddy.
michelle is crazy and irritating. please won't she go away?!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is what I said.....Dan is to smart to deal the cards Ollie's way. No way will he stick to that deal, if indeed it was really made the way Ollie is now saying.... seems none of us really heard what transpired with blocked feeds going on.Dan hasn't gotten this far to give it away to Ollie and Michelle....and if he has, I guess he deserves to go. For now I have faith he will do the right thing and get rid of either Jerry, Ollie or Michelle.

DaveA said...

Dan wants Jerry out so why not give ollie a pass. If jerry comes off then Manchelle goes what? worse case someone has to be a pawn (teehee and we know what happens to pawns). I am just worried about the double evict and how this will play our for Dan. I heard Keesha and Renny and ohhh boy they are paranoid freaks

Anonymous said...


DANG ollie is a pimp. ollie just said the deal was to keep him and michelle safe, also to keep them save if the pov is used, also if the pov is used he gets to pick who goes up. and to top it all off he gets to play hoh next week


Anonymous said...


Ollie and Michelle whispering in the kitchen.
Ollie says that Dan knows that Ollie told Michelle, so Michelle can talk to Dan about this deal.
Michelle: That's crazy. I can't believe you did that!
Ollie: Oh, because I know where you're at! He gave me the option to save one other person that I want to keep in here more than anybody else. And you've been down with me so far.
Michelle: That's awesome. I can't believe you did that. Do you trust him?
Ollie: Yeah, I trust him. No, I don't. But....
Michelle: Do you wanna..
Ollie: There's more to it.
Michelle: Do you wanna talk to him before I talk to him?
Ollie says she can talk to him. Michelle asks if Ollie wants to talk to Dan first, about her knowing.
Ollie says that Dan knows that Ollie told Michelle.
Michelle asks when he told him that? He says in the storage room, earlier.
Ollie: I told him she knows she is safe. I said, That's all I told her.
Michelle: And he said OK?
Ollie: Yeah.
Michelle: That's crazy. That's absolutely crazy.
Ollie: There's more to it.
Michelle: Like what?
Ollie: It's like me...This is what I'm not supposed to tell you, so don't reiterate this to nobody. We made like a 3-part deal.
BB goes to trivia. CRAP!

Anonymous said...


Ollie even said he has everything regarding HOH except for the title

Wow.. glad to see someone caught that (LFU). That deal is big.

And Dans religion will not let him go back on his word although memphis will be telling him to go back on

what you going to do now Judas

judas screwed himself... He either goes along with it or there is no way he will have any votes in the jury house. He's done lol

ale said...

So, did anyone else catch Dan saying something like "Let's do (or play, I don't remember) this like Judas"? Anyway. Apparently he ensured that on his end, Keesha would be safe. That means that if he sticks to this deal, Jerry will definitely go up...possibly against Memphis. That explains him telling Memphis to work Renny hard for her vote. If he gets Keesha and Renny voting his way, he can get Jerry out because he's the tie-breaker, no matter who those other two chumps decide to vote out.

Totally shitty deal, and it will piss off EVERYONE, especially Memphis...but it may work to get Jerry out if he doesn't win the Veto. I just feel that it was unnecessary to give that power to Ollie, since he said himself that he lost feeling in his arms and was about to drop anyway.

Anonymous said...

Off topic - but saw on another site that part of deal that Dan and Ollie made was that Ollie got to choose one person to nominate and if POV was used - Ollie will have the choice of who goes up. Can't confirm, but that's what I read.

Anonymous said...

Also, everyone needs to remember that this is a double elimination week.

Anonymous said...

And what if jerry, ollie, or michelle wins pov and take jerry down... then what... he gave ollie the power to pick a replacement which would be renny.. Thats why ollie told jerry dont worry about it hes safe

The dumbest deal of big brother history.. he gave everything but the room and the

Told you dude cant play a lick without memphis... time to put the pillow back on his head

Anonymous said...

Da brother be ruling the house now. Black power to Ollie. He will win this shit easy because these white folks be dumber than shit. LOL. That skinny white boy made the dumbest deal the show has ever seen. He a fool.

Anonymous said...

Can someone provide an update?

This deal seems absurd. Why didn't Dan just lose the competition if he was going to give Ollie ALL of the HOH power?

What an idiot. Plus, how does he look to the other houseguests when he couldn't win anything before, and now he is competing so hard (jacket) and winning. They will know that he was throwing comps and not trust him now.

If this plays out wrong and he leaves the house with Jerry (double elimination), Renny and Keesha have the odds to be the final two.

Anonymous said...

Can someone provide an update?

This deal seems absurd. Why didn't Dan just lose the competition if he was going to give Ollie ALL of the HOH power?

What an idiot. Plus, how does he look to the other houseguests when he couldn't win anything before, and now he is competing so hard (jacket) and winning. They will know that he was throwing comps and not trust him now.

If this plays out wrong and he leaves the house with Jerry (double elimination), Renny and Keesha have the odds to be the final two.

Anonymous said...

yes Dan made the deal, but we dont even know the nominations.
what deal in BB has be acted out according to plan?

i think he puts up jerry with kesha or memphis as the plan. He tells ollie that if he or michelle wins POV and they use the POV the other person goes up

mimi3000 said...

Im a little worried about this week and upset about the deal Dan made with Ollie. And even more upset about the bullsh!t trivia & music that kept playing last nite on the live feeds!!!I mean come on. WTF was that crap about!?! And the only thing we could hear was OLL/MANCHELLE going on about their stupid theories. If these 2 make it to final two...ARRGGGHHHH!!!

Anonymous said...

When Dan get back home, his players are going to say Dan, you gave up all that power just to read a letter and see a picture of your gurl

Coach, Monica got you by the