Sunday, July 20, 2008

Steven's Final Push

The veto ceremony is coming up, and Steven is pushing hard to convince Jessie and Michelle that Libra should be put up. Michelle's not really buying it, saying that she has no problems with her so why should she put her up? Steven replies that everybody else has, and that putting her up would "get me and Dan on your side". Jessie is also skeptical, saying he'd be tempted to replace Steven with Renny. (Advice to Jessie, get over the Renny fight.)

Meanwhile, Libra is doing exactly what Steven is complaining about, turning a simple question from Angie about whether they should clean the kitchen into Angie trying to tell her what to do.

I don't believe it will happen, but wouldn't it be hilarious if Libra ended up walking out of the house via the same methodology that she used to orchestrate Brian's departure?

Seriously, Jessie and Michelle may be the worst pair to share power ever.


Reefer Jello said...

Too bad James isn't in the house to give Stevie a good buttpunch before he leaves.

Christine said...

Steven is promising everyone the world, he just said in the spa to april, keesha, ollie and libra that he will go up and ask michelle to use the veto have jessie put up renny and steven will be loyal to them til the end, problem is, he just told michelle if she uses the veto on him he will be loyal to her to the how exaclty is he going to work that??

side note...the whole time steven was in hoh with J and M J was saying how hungry he was and that he needed to eat....steven leaves and iun walks Dan to try and get michelle to use veto on him and Jessie was still not

Scott agree 100% Michelle and Jessie are awful with the false sense of security that comes with the HOH

Scott said...

What I don't get (and I admit I'm biased) is why both Steven and Libra point to Angie as the person who needs to be up. Particularly in Libra's case - what has Angie done to her that is so horrible. Who cares if she wears the hat Brian left behind?

ale said...

Steven DOES have a valid point. It was Angie who openly campaigned for Brian to say, not him. I think the whole thing is just a matter of picking on the easiest targets, because Ollie was just as involved in the Brian alliance as Dan, and more than Angie and Steven. Somehow, everyone's forgotten that and he's come off out of it scott-free.

Scott said...

Shut your mouth about my girl, Ale. Hehehehe - you know I'm kidding.

ale said...

You're about one post away from a new My Girl blog, so I completely understand. How many screencaps did you take of her working out just now?