Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who is irritating you the most so far?

OK, 42 minutes in and I already want to plant Renny's face in the toilet and hold it there a while. Her voice, her screetching, her everything! Like nails on a chalkboard argggggggggg.

Hopefully she's nominated tomorrow, God, please, hear me.....

Other side, I so am getting a crush on Brian, I think he's going to be so yummy :)


ale said...

Brian is my favorite so far. I'm not sure about his alignment with Dan though, because I already can't stand the guy.

Anyway, judging by the first comp, Renny has no chance at winning that veto and staying.

Tony said...

i hate them already. not a bit, i hate them all except jerry so far.

Anonymous said...

don't care for anyone. you know it's a bad cast when i'm wishing a-baller would walk back in the house, lol.

Scott said...

I know it's shocking, but I sort of like April, Keesha, and Angie.

Anonymous said...

Renny has to go!

Lil said...

You obviously don't have'd get out too!

From what little we saw at the beginning, she seems to have a pretty good man at home. I know many men who have been away working for months when babies are young, and that's ok in society because they're supporting the family right? Maybe he supports her fully in this considering the payoff.

I'm going to hold off judgement for now on Libra, she seems pretty normal.

ale said...

Oh come on, using the fact that she left her kids against Libra? It's three months for a chance at $500,000, not running off to Paris for months with a hunk name Francois. Geez.

Lil said...

I hate my ex, but I have to say when I had a child and he was in the Arctic circle for 6 weeks in 2 weeks out making some major cash, I didn't like it but doubt anyone said he was a bad parent.

Anonymous said...

re: the woman who left her 4 month old twins behind to be on the show- THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MOTHER AND A FATHER!! Geez why don't people realize that! She was wrong to leave them at 4 months old - and FYI they are in daycare all day - not being cared for all day by the father....

ale said...

There's no denying that there are differences between mothers and fathers, but men aren't completely useless as parents either! It's no different than women who go to work while their husbands stay home with the babies, can you imply that the kids aren't being just as well cared for? This is a once in a life time opportunity for her, anyway- it's unfair to judge her parenting skills based on this unique circumstance.

bbfanto said...

Hey Lil, great to see you back for another season of BB Gossip.

I like Libra and I think she has a really good chance at making it to the finals in this game. let me turn this the other way around though, my major concern for her is being away from her children might be too hard for her after a month or two and she may self implode in the game because of that. I am sure he husband and family were all part of her desicion to enter the game, her children will be well cared for i am sure.

Ok Lil, you take Brian I think i will take... Angie. Scott, your not allowed to chose, you had Chels last season, lol.

Scott said...

Wait, I like Angie!

Anonymous said...

Just wait for it Scott. I'm sure we all fell in love with Jen and Danielle from BB8.
That is until they opened their mouths.
Give it a few more episodes, and then we'll see.
But I'm with you so far on April and Angie. Not so much Keesha. Something about her face just screams douche.