Wednesday, August 13, 2008

April Tells Ollie Her Secrets

Not surprising, but April has slept with some professional athletes. She also recently had a DUI, and drives with a breathalyzer attachment.

Ollie's big sin is that he has slept with a married woman. This confession leads to a fight, because April is perfect.


bish said...

Wait, wait, wait. Maybe I just read into it wrong, but I thought Ollie had never known the touch of a women until he got his hands all over April.

Anonymous said...

this sounds like two 15 yr olds talking....yuuuuuuuck

ale said...

Whaaaaat? Ollie has been around the block quite a bit. He's just never had a "girlfriend."


Anonymous said...

she's a drunk and a whore!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me, but really think that April is interviewing to be a porn star! maybe even settle for Hustler or playboy, but she's interviewing REALLY hard! hee hee..

Zoot Mantis said...

As I watch the two blondes on this show I am left with the feeling that what BB 10 needs is a female contestant that has dark hair, is tall and winsome with a laid back attitude and a pretty smile. I would suggest a woman of mixed race...perhaps Korean and American. Such a woman would make this show worth watching.

Anonymous said...

2 late zoot doggy dog, her game play was so weak that she has been eliminated already