Friday, August 1, 2008

Dan's First Task- Check!

America voted, and it appears Jessie has been chosen as the HG Dan should get nominated. Shocker! Meanwhile, the HGs have been speculating about Dan since last night, suspecting that he may either be America's Player, or part of an upcoming twist. They're quite right, but the credit for that goes to the extreme paranoia in the house, as opposed to any legitimate signs they may have picked up. Dan's task looks like it will be completed successfully, because as of this morning, Jessie and Memphis were chosen by April as nominees; she wants Memphis out.

Jessie and Manchelle are confident, as usual. Fire up Jessie's shock at being nominated, take 2. Ugh, this is going to be another long, tool-filled week. I'm predicting more "I can't eat, I can't sleep, I'm losing weight as we speak...I'm in jail for something I didn't do!" speeches, better this time around since he had last week to work on them. This time, Manchelle's reaction will be even more priceless, after their so-called deal. One thing is for sure, we will not want to miss the aftermath of today's nomination ceremony.

Currently, the mood is light in the house. Renny and Libra are re-enacting the various poses used by Manchelle and April during last night's competition. Laughs all around, for now.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully the house switches in the next week and decides to get out Jessie. I would love for him to be stuck in sequester for a week by himself....and then for the next week for Reny or Jerry to go join him! He would have a miserable two weeks!

RutgersKev said...

Watch CBS edit this and make it seem like it was all Dan's "hard work" for America that got Jessie nominated.

Anonymous said...

I still don't believe that Dan was America's real choice. He didn't seem like a popular choice on any of the sites/forums I've read.