Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Michelle's Conspiracy Theories Continue

If the evil trio don't get Dan's vote, look for one of them to cast a vote against Keesha anyway. They've been joking about it all day, but had decided that it was too dangerous. Now Michelle is again reciting the "evidence" that proves that Dan's America's Player, and even said the "proof" will be if the vote is 5 - 1. Her biggest piece of evidence is that he's never been asked a question on either eviction night or the Ferguson show. Well, he hasn't been HOH, a nominee, or a major player in a fight that received extended airtime.

Hahaha - April just asked why Dan would vote to evict Jessie if he's America's Player. Of course, the people would prefer him over Memphis! Oh, you deluded twit.

Edit: I just have to add this. April just said that she thinks Craig Ferguson's show is getting higher ratings because of them. The hits just keep coming from that girl's mouth.

Meanwhile, Keesha is doing her best Angie impression, hanging out outside with the boys doing nothing. Unfortunately for me, she's no Angie.


Christine said...

they are delusional if they think that will work with the vote. Memphis and Dan have gotten too for that to work..its not like Dan is alone in the game anymore...

Anonymous said...

can april please go home next week?

Anonymous said...

I am totally loving that picture of April. She is hideous. I cannot wait until they all realize how vile and disliked they are by the American public. Of course, if they are anything like Jessie, they will deflect and think everyone else is "wrong" or "has a problem.

"America must not like people with big hearts."--April's future comment.

Christine said...

David,I certainly hope so!!

Anonymous said...

also, if they are so great on figuring out dan is america's player, why can't they figure out his tasks(voting jessie out)

ale said...

Dan is so cute. Seriously. He's also too smart to join the dark side.

Anonymous said...

i find jerry's comments regarding dan not wining anything quite funny. because we all know it doesn't matter how hoh's or pov's you win in this game.

i really hope dan wins at least one hoh one week(mainly tomorrow. because everyone from the dark side will be his new best friend. and quite frankly dan is too smart to fall into that trap.

ale said...

Since he won that first PoV, he's used that line about people not winning waaaay too much. Get over yourself, old man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The more I watch April (especially in that picture) she really does look like Nellie Olson! I think it's hilarious!! Scott could you post that picture of April next the Nellie Olson picture? I think It would really show the resemblance!!

Anonymous said...

April finally said something that actually made sense! She said: "I am cranky! I don't even think I can stand myself right now"

Finally she gets something right!! Ha

Anonymous said...

personally, i rather see the faggot dan leave next week... the zits on his face are driving me mad

Anonymous said...

plus david, dan couldnt win a huh, if you helped him. he havent came close to competing in nothing since the show began. if he just work out a lil bit i would be satisfied... what a wimp

Anonymous said...

i don't know if anyone is watching the feeds. but did dan just say he was going to vote to keep libra in the house to michelle?

Anonymous what does wining hoh really give you besides a target on your back the fallowing week.

Anonymous said...

david, the name of the game is to win competitions and no he didnt tell her that.. you are a real genious dude. this got to be your first big brother

Anonymous said...

come on jerry,ollie and april, lets win this thing tomorrow. Put michelle and memphis up and get rid of michelle, the other 4 couldnt win thereselves out of a paper bag. keeshas only win was by default

Anonymous said...

is renny picking up more pounds, damm her face is getting very fat

Anonymous said...

tell me something, has there been another man ton bif brother that is as feminine as dan that wasnt gay or bi. keesha just made a point when she made the remark about him with another man. i was thinking the same thing. dudes gay or bi and just not telling anybody. maybe that is why everybody on this show punks him out including the 75 yr old man

Anonymous said...

no this isn't my first big brother try my 6th season. how many hoh's did boogie win? how many did dick win? or how about adam? or maggie?

Anonymous said...

oh yeah thanks for clearing that up with feeds were on mute.

Anonymous said...

not sure about maggie but i know dick won and adam won 2 of them(that was just last season). go get a life dude, you havent watched shit. dont waste my time

and even if boogie didnt win, he was playing a major game with will. dan aint done nothing dude. get lost

Anonymous said...

alright man. you might be right man. have a good morning.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I want Jerry gone, Or Michelle.

Anonymous said...

to ale, i hope you are a girl although that sounds like a boy name to me. regardless, dan is not cute, he has a big damm head for that little skinny body and he got big bumps all over his face. throw in the most yellowish teeth of bb10and you damm near got a real clown.

i wonder what you look like ale

Anonymous said...

I love Dan. It is amazing to me that if someone is just a super nice person there has to be something dreadfully wrong with them like their sexuality questioned, or the poor guy having zits? Come on, get real people! It is one thing to talk about someone and their game playing style. The remarks that Jerry makes that can't be defended, or the filthy things that April and Ollie do under the sheets, or with the sheets flapping those things are something to make me want them out. But Dan? I hope he goes all the way, and if he doesn't he still has my vote as the best they had to offer this season!!!!

Anonymous said...

people have a right to like or dislike who they want too. You like dan, other prople like renny, some like angie and others like ollie. dont get mad at people for expressing who they like. some people dont like to see others have sex and some people dont like to look at people with zits and feminine ways. your way aint the only way

Zoot Mantis said...

It is kind of sad to see the way people attack each other on the internet under the guise of anonymity. One person referred to Dan as a "faggot." That remark is an insult to not only Dan, but every gay person. This is what has become of America. A nation of attack vipers hiding behind keyboards. The land of cowards. It is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Thats interesting zoot doggy dog. im like you, i would like everybody to sign up for many different e-mails and use names like zoot manthis, david jerry and so forth. Those names would qualify you to say anything you want. that way we would really know exactly who it is "scratching my head on that one"

Christine said...

David, around 2am edt dan said to michelle in the bathroom

"there is no scenario that was cause me to vote to keep libra"

ale said...

Everyday, I lose a little more faith in humanity. Some of the comments on this page do little to change that.

Anonymous said...

i feel the same way but some of the comments made by you make other people feel the same way

you want me too find a couple of them

ale said...

I've never had anyone else complain about any of the comments I make, so your little quest, whatever the reason behind it, means nothing to me. It's hilarious when people go out of their way to be obnoxious and stupid, but you may want to give it a break.

Anonymous said...

gurl you almost sounded like april in the bb house. give yourself another pat on the back please

ale said...

Mhhmmmmm. Will do. :)

Scott said...

Wow, I'm away for a few hours and I come back to this? Come on, this is ridiculous.

The last couple of days have been nothing but silly. Does it really matter who anybody likes on the show? There are supposed to be differences of opinions. Otherwise there'd be no show.

I'm all for an open debate on the merits of anybody in the house, or any events. But I'm no longer going to respond to any post that involves a personal attack or allegation.

For the record, Ale is a beautiful woman. But even if she wasn't, that would not degrade her analysis of the show and its contestants.

Anonymous said...

Well said Scott.......and ale I most always think your comments are right on the mark. Yes, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but nasty name calling and degrading of Dan surely doesn't need to fall into the equation.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I try to keep up but is Dan still ap?

Scott said...

No, it was a one week thing.

Lil said...

I think anonymous is a faggot so take that! HAH

Also, anonymous has about the worst grasp of spelling and grammar I have seen in anyone over the age of 9.

Lil said...

On the point of who has won more competitions, it's a little difficult to say Dan is so bad compared to others who only won 1 or 2, when there are still so many weeks left where he can.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo the week of Michelle is almost over. Then i can come back to join you guys!!

ale said...

Scott, sandiekay- thank yous :)
Lil, I agree. It's only week 5, and a large majority of the house haven't won HoHs either. But I guess that doesn't matter because we can't like Dan- he's scrawny. Oh, and he breaks out. LOL.

Anonymous said...

OMFG...I just heard April say that she was prettier then Keesha. PLEASE get rid of April. I can not stand her.