Sunday, August 10, 2008

Greatest Picture Ever!


Christine said...

i saw another good one somewhere of keesha in the by(after she walked out of hoh away from libra april and michelle) she looked positively possessed!!

Christine said...

I am surprised they are all still sleeping, well the guys at least..this is one of only 2 days this week that they are allowed to eat something other than slop!!

Anonymous said...

I am watching the feeds and Michelle, Memphis and Keesha are in the backyard discussing the events of last night, Michelle then says that her behavior last night was calm! Um ok Michelle! She is a real piece work!!

Scott said...

This is calm?

Or this?

Ashley said...

she should use the bathroom

Sydney said...

apparently Michelle is as deluded as April. Gotta hand it to casting this year. I know everyone loved the fights, but I just turned it off and read up here, lol.

I suppose this is an excellent segue into: Thanks for all your tireless work!

Scott said...

Awwwwww, thank you!

Reefer Jello said...

I wouldn't want to be the guy that ends up having to give her head for the next twenty years.