Saturday, August 9, 2008

These Bitches Are Crazy

Michelle is orchestrating this perfectly. She's got Keesha and Libra screaming at each other. Oh wait, I mean Michelle's doing the screaming. But she's perfectly put into place what April already set in motion.

Libra did come into the HOH all set to act like everything is peachy. That changed quickly. "Oh, you wanna go there?" Hahahaha!

Renny really needs to come in there and bring some sense to these girls who are stuck on stupid.


Christine said...

the ultimate chick fight.....Rennie needs to stay out of it.....

ale said...

Keesha has LOST IT. Omg. I can't stop watching.

Scott said...

How I wish Keesha had just 2 or 3 more IQ points. She'd completely pwn these twits.

Christine said...

they are all gonna have hellacious headaches in the morning....

Anonymous said...

they are saying Libra got the votes together. ROFL!

Anonymous said...

They are crazy but it is GOOD entertainment!!

Scott said...

I really should let Ale do the posting on this conversation, as she clearly understands dumb bitch fights better than I do. :)

ale said...

Keesha left! What a spoil sport!

Christine said...

but scott, Libra gradutated magna f-ing cum laude from rice university...look it

ale said...

Scott, I can't be the only person who gets this shit.

Anyone else...?

Christine said...

keesha has lost it.

Scott said...

Wow, I think Showtime paused the action during the break, as they're now like 5 minutes behind the live feeds.

ale said...

I can't even enjoy her break down, I realize I really like her.

Scott said...

The real action is in the bedroom with Keesha and Michelle. At one point, Michelle was basically straddling her.

ale said...

If it were anyone other than Manchelle, it might have been slightly hot.

Scott said...

Which person, Ale? Keesha?

Christine said...

what happened to memphis in his towel??

Christine said...

sensory overload....

ale said...

Yes, I like Keesha. More right now, watching her go crazy.

Anonymous said...

Keesha has lost it but she is making a lot of sense believe it not!!

Libra does own up to everything and April NEVER admits anything. She just sits there her stupid smug smile!!

Anonymous said...

Libra is totally telling the truth lol. Shes a good person

ale said...

Why is Manchelle so dramatic right now? Wasn't the drama reserved for the 3 french hens?

Anonymous said...

Now we know why BB limits their alcohol intake because they ALL go CRAZY!!

All the girls minus Renny are going CRAZY and Jerry and Memphis play nice in the backyard. Who would of thought!!

Christine said...

found memphis, he is in the by talking to Jerry of all people...

what the heck was in that wine???

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaah michelle is freaking the hell out! this is so funny bwahah

ale said...

I guess she doesn't want to feel left out. Everyone else is going crazy, why can't she?!

Scott said...

Jerry needs to shut up and let the girls just fight this out. Memphis is smart enough to stay quiet, and only offer an occassional encouraging word.