Sunday, August 3, 2008

We may have a game after all...

Keesha and Libra brought Memphis into their room, where Libra immediately tells Memphis that if she votes for him to stay and he goes after her next week, she'll kill him. They get Dan in there as well, getting him to swear that he will give Memphis his vote to stay. That gives them the 4 votes (including Renny, who obviously can't stand Jessie) needed to wage war on the 2 couples in the house, and effectively divide the house. I must admit, it almost brought a tear to my eye- almost.

The important thing is that minds don't change before Thursday, or that April suddenly decides to get Jerry to use the Veto tomorrow. The brief "meeting" is sealed with a celebratory hug between Libra and Keesha, after the most sensible day of conversation I've heard these two engage in.


Anonymous said...

let the games begin! bwahah

Anonymous said...

April will sure get her panties in a twit if "HER group" doesn't vote the way she wants. Funny, everyone "had" to vote the way Keesha wanted to last week. This group is full of idiots! But, you're right David...let the games begin - FINALLY! Let's see the fur fly over something other than who's hanging out with whom....