Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dan Makes A Funny

Jerry's in the diary room, and Dan started talking about how Keesha is the last woman standing. She out-strutted Angie, out-played Michelle, out-screamed April, and "out-funnied" Keesha. He then asked who scared her the most, and Keesha said she thought Michelle was going to win the whole game.

Dan and Keesha then talk about how they fell for Michelle's hard-luck story...the first time they heard it. Memphis rolls his eyes, and is surprised to hear this.

Dan's response? "Yeah, but you're the dude that doesn't bat an eye when a 75 year old man falls into a pool."

BTW, I predict the luxury prize is a trip to the MTV Awards show on Sunday, as that channel is owned by CBS. I don't know what that has to do with the sumo guy, though. I think I want Jerry to win this, as nobody would be more out of place than him.


IndyMike said...

Did Jun go to the MTV awards? I remember she went to some awards show.

Scott said...

Yes, and it was in NY that year. But now it's in L.A., so they can be in and out of the house in less than five hours.

ale said...

I don't understand how they can seriously think that they'd go to Japan.

youre_a_fool said...

their crazy as hell like you Ale, i dont know how you all think anything reasonable

youre_a_fool said...

why would any fool get the live feeds just for the endurance HOH when everybody knows keesha wont last over 20 minutes and dan and memphis will just make a deal before the comp and just come down after keesha quits. Only a knucklehead couldnt figure that one out

callie44 said...

i want nothing more than to have jerry as miserable as possible so if it is an MTV night i hope he goes, alone, and is in pain sitting next to a bunch of screaming teeny boppers all night in hard to see crumby chairs...maybe someone will throw up on him too!