Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Luxury Comp Theory

I'm almost 100% positive that the luxury competition prize is a trip to the VMA's on Sunday. The show is on a network owned by their parent company (Viacom), and will occur at the Paramount Studios in Hollywood. They can get the houseguests in and out with little worry of them finding out any info the producers don't want them to know.

But how will they choose who gets to go? Here's what I feel will happen. Remember, Julie said that this trip "could" impact the game. Doesn't it make sense that it would be incorporated into the veto competition? I see a situation where the winner has a choice between the veto and the trip.


youre_a_fool said...

only you would come up with a dumb idea like that... a trip vs a half million dollars... youre sick dude

Anonymous said...

Imagining Jerry at the VMA's...ugh

IndyMike said...

Guess what - the VMAs begin at 9pm eastern

That would be right after BB ends on CBS.

Sounds like a good way to get a few people to flip over to MTV after the show.

callie44 said...

anyone who chooses this "trip" over a chance to play in the veto comp deserves to go not pass go, do not collect 50 or 500 grand!!!! duh!!

unrealpatch said...

Dan and Memphis talked while playing chess. It sounded like they're going to Japan.

Scott said...

They're not going to Japan. That's just the boys' theory because of the sumo wrestler.

ale said...

I'm hoping it's something nicer than a trip to the VMAs. It is supposed to be an "amazing" trip, after all. That's not exactly something to consider "amazing."

youre_a_fool said...

That would be amazing for your azz, stop trying to act like youre all that